What if, instead of land-ing the sea, we try sea-ing the land?

Sea-ing the Land is a traveling pop-up photo and video art installation accompanied by a photo book. This art project is based on scientific anthropological research that explores the interplay between the land and the sea. Based on the above mind experiment by the famous anthropologist Tim Ingold, three months of multimedia ethnographic research in Rainbow Bay, the surf mecca of Australia, has been conducted. 


The photo book combines photos, quotes and a brief anthropological analysis to contest the conventional separation of the land and the sea. It provides insight into notion of freedom by the Australian surf community of Rainbow Bay.

Short Movie

The short (10min) immersive, sensory movie creates the lived experience of the Australian surfing community by mashing up video and audio fragments.


The pop-up exhibition combines the photos, the short movie and the insights of the photobook. The exhibition also acts as a conversation starter to collect new sea-based stories to continue the project.


There have been many stories told about what the ocean means to surfers in a variety of formats. However, few have been focusing on what the land means to surfers and how it influences their perspective on the interplay between nature and culture. By telling the story of the surf community in Australia to other surf communities, I seek to collect new perspectives on this topic and broaden the narrative.

In conversation with Salt Water High (EN)

I had the honour to talk to Derek Odd from Wavetribe
about the junction between art and anthropology.

In conversation with Future Visions (NL)

With Renske Mennen I talked about life between land and
sea and what we can learn from such a lifestyle.


My name is Kyra Lenting and next to being an anthropologist, I am also a passionate surfer and artist. 

By telling the story of the surf community in Australia to other (surf) communities, I seek to collect new sea-based stories and continue my project by creating new content.

I aim to explore the junction between academia, art and multimedia technology in order to communicatie complex topics through creative narrative.



EXHIBITION – Date TBA – Utrecht  – KEEK

FILM Festival Screening – June 2022 – Copenhagen – Uninhabited


26. June – The hague – Elements boardfestival

06. July 2021 – Le Pin Sec – Ripstar

13. July 2021 – Moliets – Vegan Surf Camp

14. July 2021 – Moliets – Surfblend

16. July 2021 – Vieux Boucau – Brunotti Beach Camp

21. July 2021 – Seignosse – Surfblend




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